By: Jaira Rael

Weather’s changing!
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO- You might be feeling a drastic change in the forecast lately. Although summer starts Thursday, June 20 it is getting very warm. There is an answer to questions you might be wondering about. Is it too early to be wearing shorts? Should I bring sunscreen? What should I change?
A Few Useful Things To Have
Sunscreen- When you’re on a walk outside to Yucca or doing activity outdoors it's very important to have sunscreen. states, “UVB rays are responsible for sunburns and skin cancer.” The ultra violet rays (UVB) from the sun can damage your skin cells causing mutations in DNA.
Water- Stay hydrated during this summer. There are a few ways to stay hydrated. For some people it is hard to continuously drink water throughout the day. You can incorporate water-rich fruits and vegetables into your diet. Your body will let you know whether you are dehydrated or not. It is important to listen to these signals states, “If your body is struggling to adjust to the heat and losing more fluids when exercising, then adjust when and how you work out accordingly.”
Lightweight Clothing- It is hard to stay comfortable when you are hot. With lightweight clothing it is comfortable and absorbs less heat. This ties to lighter colors of clothes because lighter colors absorb less heat as well. Darker colors and heavier clothing absorb more heat. There is also more air flow with lightweight clothing says, “The loose clothing allows air to pass along the skin and exit, speeding evaporation and carrying off excess heat.”
Hat or Sunglasses- Maybe a spare pair of sunglasses or a hat could really help this summer. The sun can be very harmful to stare at. Looking at the sun without sunglasses can damage your retina and cause blindness. Hats are helpful for protecting the sun from hitting the face. Using a hat can reduce the risk of sunburns and skin cancer on the face. Have a great time in the sun without being sunburnt states, “The reason for making a perfect choice is to make your summer perfect.”
Spare Hoodie- The weather in New Mexico can be inconsistent. It would be a good idea to bring a spare hoodie if all of a sudden it starts raining in the middle of the day. Checking the weather before school is a good idea as well. Being away from the temperature could save you from overheating during the day.
Don’t take the risk of getting hurt. Your peers care about your health and safety this upcoming summer.