SANDIA HIGH SCHOOL 7801 Candelaria Rd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(505) 294 - 1511Matador Downtime
Jaira Rael | November 13, 2023
ALBUQUERQUE, NM- The students at Sandia High School are expecting more and longer breaks during the year. However, there is a catch: students have a shorter summer break. Some may argue one is better than the other, take a look at what they came up with!

Pros of Tiny Breaks
Tiny breaks in the year could be beneficial for some students. The tiny breaks that students are experiencing are to help teen stress and burnout. The breaks change up the year to make it more exciting. Also, the breaks help with forgetfulness. Andrew Warner from U.S. News also states, “Since students have shorter summer breaks, there’s less time to forget what they learned during the school year.”
Cons of Tiny Breaks
On the other hand, some students would like to have longer summer breaks. Summer lets students forget about school and lets them relax for a longer period of time. Pathways states, “Along with relaxation, summer break brings unique opportunities to learn and develop social skills. New educational and social experiences can happen at the park, or during family vacations and other outings where children can freely and organically practice appropriate interactions.”
Opinions of Fellow Matadors
There was a survey sent out to the matadors about the breaks. A handful of students prefer longer summer vacations with fewer breaks throughout the school year over the tiny breaks in the school year. An anonymous student made a great point, “Breaks are not convenient for me because I study a lot in the Summer and I go to many places with my family in the Summer. For others, it has messed up their schedules a lot because of how the days work in New Mexico.”
However, there is another anonymous student who claims, “I believe we should keep the small breaks just because it gives us as students a larger time frame to figure out what needs to get done and gives us more time to relax while also giving us time to get what needs to get done.” Both opinions are valid. Thank you to these students and a few others who gave their opinions on our breaks!
Both types of breaks, including Sandia support, have their pros and cons. However, this year, please note that there will be longer breaks in the school year and a shorter summer break. We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break!