By: Addison Cunningham

Sandia High School has lots of sports. In the Fall there is cross country, football, golf, boys and girls soccer, and volleyball. Winter sports include boys and girls basketball, swimming and diving, and wrestling.
Now that all those sports and their seasons have come to pass, the Spring season will start and the new sports for the Matadors will be: baseball, softball, tennis, golf, and track and field.
Last year, the sports did amazing and represented Sandia well. The baseball team is coached by Marc Hilton. In their last season won 20 out of their 30 games played! They also had a winning percentage of 67%. One of their best games was against Albuquerque High where they won 13 to 0. They currently rank 8th out of all high school baseball teams in New Mexico. Hopefully they'll only improve this upcoming Spring.
Another team we only hope to see improve is the girls track and field team, whose coach, Dominic Maestas, could only describe the team as "phenomenal." After coaching the team for 9 years he feels “100% confident in the team this season,’’ and is focusing on getting as many girls to state as possible. With 17 upcoming events he's “pumped for the upcoming season’’ And “definitely feels like they've only improved from last year or year prior. Overall it’s just an amazing sport.’’ said Maestas.
Another team Matadors will definitely have to come and support is the girls softball team, lead by coach Michelle Carter. They have a winning percentage of 0.56%. The girls softball team is an amazing one, winning 15 games last season. They even beat Del Norte High School 16 to 1. They also rank fourth in the district.
With these great winning percentages, and excitement from coaches, these Spring sports are definitely something you are going to want to watch. Make sure to support your fellow Matadors with great spirit and sportsmanship! Go matadors!