By: Addison Cunningham
Mental health in students is very important, but homework can only affect the feelings of stress and depression in students.
Homework is something most students can tend to struggle with, rather it’s not having the energy or motivation to do homework or in some cases many students may not have the time. Students have a lot to manage with most being in a club or sport, and some students at Sandia have a job or extra work of their own.
Many feel that homework is “time consuming and unnecessary,’’ said a 10th grader at Sandia who would like to remain anonymous. One student even said that they spend, on average, four hours a night on homework.

It can be even more difficult when students miss days for being sick, having to step out for personal reasons, or having to take time out of school because of a sporting event or club activities. Students will not only have to do make-up class work, but homework on top of that.
Many studies have even shown that students can even lose out on sleep and a lack of motivation because of the amount of time they have to spend on homework. Their mental health could be improved without the added stress of homework. Jordyn Brown, a Junior at Sandia, said “I feel that homework can definitely affect my mental health negatively and can cause stress.’’
But what are some of the best ways to deal with homework? Create a schedule, create a homework space, create time to relax, and encourage breaks.
Hopefully homework is something all students can find ways to deal with that work best for them to keep us all motivated Matadors!